Why do still so many good and sustainable projects, to support mother earth not grow or reach enough people?
We would like to offer a platform where every company, every self-employed person, every human being has the opportunity to give something back to Mother Earth. Every achievement, all resources flow 1:1 directly into the projects for Earth Embrace.
We are the bound, that brings all together!
Is conventional agriculture possible without pesticides? Is healthy food possible without harmful impacts on mother earth? We believe in it and want to show how agriculture can work in harmony with nature and without any harmful impacts on mother earth.
We want to create a meeting point between business people, Special-Need-Children and everyone else, where an exchange on the same level is possible and solutions are found for a common appreciative cooperation.
What do 1-year old chickens and blind cats have in common? They are sorted out and many have to die. We want to give these animals a new meaning in life and show how valuable every living being is.
How will we live in future? Are sustainable constructions projects to realize for everybody? We will work on a testdrive village with tiny houses, that will be one with mother earth.
We are very thankful for every donation to support our projects!
Support projects in Austria (€):
Human Bridge for Business Transformation e.Gen.
AT65 3239 7000 0042 1594
Support projects in Switzerland (CHF):
MaitriBodh Peace Services, 8404 Winterthur
CH31 8080 8001 6948 9014 9
Microgreens sind junge, essbare Keimpflanzen die ihr einfach bei euch zu Hause anbauen könnt. Es gibt sie in vielen interessanten Geschmacksrichtungen. Dabei ist der Geschmack viel intensiver als von ausgewachsenem Gemüse.
Microgreens sind ein wahres Superfood, denn sie enthalten viele wichtigen Vitamine, haben eine hohe Dichte an Nährstoffen und viel Chlorophyll.
Verwenden kannst du die Microgreens im Salat, auf dem Brot, in Suppen, als Smoothies und ganz nach deinen eigenen Ideen!
Mit deinem Microgreen-Starterpaket hast du jetzt die Chance den Anbau selbst auszuprobieren und in die Faszination Microgreens einzutauchen!
Microgreens ermöglichen dir einen gesunden Ernährungsstil, sind gut für deinen Körper und erwecken die positiven Lebensgeister!
Hier findest du hilfreiche Tipps und Fotos
Die Geschichte hinter dem Microgreen-Projekt
Wenn du mehr über unsere Human-Bridge-Projekte erfahren möchtest, dann besuche unsere Human-Bridge-Facebook-Seite: Hier klicken!
What do 1-year-old chickens and blind cats have in common?
They are sorted out and many have to die. We want to give these animals a new meaning in life and show how valuable every living being is.
If you want to learn more about projects in this section, just click on the button and you will be forwarded to the projects website!
Details follow …
Details follow …
How will we live in future? Are sustainable construction projects to realize for everybody?
We will work on a testdrive village with tiny houses, that will be one with mother earth.
If you want to learn more about projects in this section, just click on the button and you will be forwarded to the projects website!
Details follow …
Details follow …